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Zelda no Densetsu: The Hyrule Fantasy (ゼルダの伝説 The Hyrule Fantasy;ゼルダの傳說‧薩爾達傳說) Nintendo1986 achillesheelfoes actionadventure amoeboids bossbattles bows cemetery centauroids chosenone currency doors fantasyworld fictionaluniverse fish forest foundmaps giantinsects gunblades heads healthwarning humanoidprotagonist illequipped insectoids inventory keys launchtitle lethalobjects limitedcapacity meleeweapons monsters mountain nohumans rewardingvandalism ruins secrets serious shinto shopping simulateddisorientation skeletonkey skeletons stonemen stunning subterranean swords traproom trees undead unexpectedsituation walking watercraft-small waterfalls wiivirtualconsole zelda zelda-universe zeldalike labelimageminimize